Friday, April 25, 2008

feliz cumpleanos a mi...haha

so tuesday was my 21st birhtday!! wooo whoooo...and no i did not go to the bars to celebrate (not that i couldnt get in before since the drinking age is 18 here...wah wah). at midnight i was presented with a block of sharp cheddar cheese (if you know me at all you know how obsessed i am with cheese...thats my true wisconsinite coming out...and ive been thouroghly dissappointed with most dairy products here specifically the cheese, so it was a huge excellent surprise!) and a wine cooler. i took one sip of and set it on my desk where it sat for like 3 days until i finally threw it out, lol... then in the morning i got up and had frosted flakes (a huge treat cuz we´ve never had frosted flakes in the house since we´ve been here, only regular corn flakes) and a few bites of cake...basically the perfect birthday breakfast filled with tooth-rotting sugar. then i chilled at the house with people preping for a debate that we were going to have in spanish class. then we all went to class and had a debate about globalization, capitolism, privatization and such (quite heavy topics if i do say so myself) after which we went back home to eat a delicious lunch. then i hung out with people all afternoon since i finished my philosophy paper the night before so i wouldnt have to do homework on my birthday. i went to this massage place thats sort of near our house with my friend christine because our theo teacher told us about this place that had hour long 2 for 1 massages for $10 each so we were going to do it. they didnt have any openings that day so we signed up to do it the following tues (which is tomorrow! and we´re super pumped). i´ve never gotten one before so its gonna be my birthday present to myself, wooo whoooo.

on thurs. i had lunch with Trena (one of the people who runs our program) and then she had to go pick up her girls from school so i got to see their international school. the girls were super excited to see a student with their mom and they showed me all around their school and classrooms. Trena said they learn everything in spanish first and then english... what an awesome opportunity for their kids.

friday was Matt´s birthday and we took the famous casa picture at 6am (no thats not a typo...that was just thoe only time everyone in the program could be there, lol) which is now up on the casa website. one with the whole program and the other with just the students from the US check them out if you´d like! for dinner we went over to casa clara (one of the other houses in the program) and we shared a meal and then Mark (a Jesuit, our philosophy professor, and my spiritual director for the semester) shared his life story with us which was so awesome. we´ve been asking him to tell us about his life since pretty much the first day...idk why but we have this strange fascination with his life...and after hearing his story, we had every right to.

saturday my praxis partner (katie) and i decided to go on an adventure to Suchitoto where our theology teacher Sister Peggy lives. it started out fine until we got on the right bus but it was going the wrong direction... we decided to just wait it out and ended up riding the entire 42A route, haha. oops. when we finally got there we ate lunch at this sweet place that had a ton of artifacts from the war. then we went on a mission to find Peggy and we just started asking people in the town where she was since everyone knows her. she has this peace art center that shes working on right now which we toured around when we found her. its not done yet but its a beautiful building and the plans she was telling us that she has for it sounds so excellent. she showed us around town and then we went and chilled at her house for a while.

today at praxis, my class (well more so the teachers of my class since the kids are only 1 and 2, haha) surprised me with a little birthday celebration. they had a cake and all sang to me, it was so cute. then the teachers kept asking the kids, whose birthday are we celebrating and they would all respond MEEEE (meaning themselves, not actually me, haha) then we all ate the delicious cake and they pretty much stuffed their chubby little faces. there was frosting and slobber everywhere, it was really funny.

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