Sunday, March 16, 2008

los sitios

so yesterday i went with 5 of my casa friends to one of the praxis sites called Los Sitios. one of the bacarios who lives in my house, Neto lives there so 3 of us went to his house for dinner and hung out with his family for a while. theyre so great and it was fun to see where he lives. then we made our way over to Julio's house, who is like Neto's best friend, and Julio helps run the program for the bacarios. he brought out like 15 photo albums so we could look through all the past years of casa adventures. Julio's been so many different places it was awesome to peak into all his memories. we hung out with Julio's family too, a couple of his nieces and nephews, super cute and full of energy. then the town held this dance party thing under this tent in the middle of the town and ad you can guess i was all about it. so we went with Julio and Neto and it was crazy fun. it was actually more like a rave minus drugs plus people of all ages. they threw out glow sticks to everyone and we were there until like 2am. it was so much fun and i won a $5 bet with my friend MaryBeth for dancing with seriously the oldest man in the place (im talking 70+ years), lol. it was pretty funny. then we all had a sleep over at Julio's and stayed up talking til like 3. basically an excellent day.

tomorrow we leave for the campo, which should be super interesting since it will be during holy week (semana santa) and we're told that there are ton of processions and such for the occasion. a couple of my hopes for the week are to chop some sugar cane down with a machete, learn how to make pupusas, lay on the ground and stare up at the stars because i know they'll be crazy visible there, and maybe ride a sweet horse barebacked. ill let ya know how that goes!

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